We had a wonderful, wonderful time in the Keys. At Curry Hammock, we did lots of walking, biking, kayaking, laughing, as well as a few touristy things.
We went deep sea fishing on the Sea King in Marathon, FL. It was a gorgeous day but the seas were just a tad (understatement!!) rough.
Enjoying the sunshine! |
I think that everyone that fished caught something but poor Bruce didn't win against a bigger fish that wanted the fish he had just caught. He only brought up half a fish!!
Laura won the prize for having the most perseverance!! |
Despite taking seasickness medicine, several of us weren't feeling too well.....
Nancy didn't see everything that went on but she did hear everything!! |
The captain's dog checking on Gin. |
But at least one of us was feeling A-OK!!
The group caught several fish but I think we were all glad to see shore again. Call us wimps but I think the majority of us are sticking to our kayaks for awhile!!
We celebrated a milestone birthday!!
Happy Birthday Bill!! |
Our ice cream crankers reporting for duty! Rick, Bruce, Bill and Dan |
Dan lighting the candle with his blow torch! |
"Lima Bean" cake for the birthday boy!! |
Our stay at Curry Hammock ended all too quickly but we had another 2 weeks at John Pennekamp State Park in Key Largo. We kayaked in the mangroves, snorkeled from Cannon Beach, played games, rode bikes, walked tons and had our fair share of Key Lime Pie!!
Almost everyday, we would see this little squirrel sleeping in a tree right outside our rig. Too cute! |
Champagne on the day of our arrival. |
Yes, Bill. Dan had to do ant patrol!! |
View from Cannon Beach |
View from Far Beach |
I didn't take many pictures at all at John Pennekamp! I guess I was on "island" time. Gin, Syl, and I did see the neatest sight. We saw a Limpkin hunting one day and it was the coolest thing to watch. I tried to get a picture but we were inside the rig watching and the glare from the window blurred the picture. The bird was intent on getting his prey and started swaying back and forth to mimic the leaves that were moving because of the wind. All of a sudden he made his move and got a crab about three inches long. It was truly the circle of life.
We left the Keys the Monday before Thanksgiving and had an overnight stop at a park in Avon Park, FL where fellow RVers Jim and Dee winter. We caught up with them, enjoyed a dinner out and I played cards with them and their friends at the clubhouse. We left early the next morning (rain was supposed to be moving in) and arrived back in Cedar Key early afternoon.
Since then, We have been catching up with friends here. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
Rod, Debbie, Connie, Charlie and Cliff getting things ready. |
Tammy and Rod |
Enjoying the feast! |
Dave, Lee, Cliff and Dan relaxing |
Six of us set out to go Black Friday shopping at Harbor Freight (Vel and I ditched them and went to Dollar General!). We all enjoyed at meal at Cody's in Crystal River, and then Vel, Maggie, Tammy and I left Rod and Dan and went geocaching in the afternoon.
Vel and I monkeying around! |
Maggie and I being silly! |
We all met up at Walmart later in the afternoon and did our grocery shopping. That night, we went to the Christmas tree lighting festivities in Cedar Key. It was a fun, busy day!!
There are several other holiday events that the town of Cedar Key is putting on including a dog parade and a lighted boat parade. Should be fun as well!
Life is good!