Yes, I am (again!) way behind on our blog.
In August, we were in Vermont...another one of our favorite states.
We had reservations at Prouty Beach Campground in Newport, VT. It is a county run facility and we were lucky enough to get sites on a bluff. The sites are HUGE! Probably the biggest we have ever seen in our travels thus far. We were treated to gorgeous views as well as sunsets!
Dan and Gin enjoying a campfire |
View from our campsites (albeit stormy!) |
Love this picture of our fristers Gin and Syl!! |
Gorgeous sunset |
Fiery sky |
There is a very nice bike trail that runs through the campground, to the city of Newport on one side and to Canada on the other!
Gorgeous views on the way to Canada |
Three Amigos |
View to the campground from trail across the lake |
Gin and I had been working on a puzzle...we finally finished it while we were in Newport...
Cake pop puzzle |
Back when we were in PA, Dan and I had picked up some "Smart Tiles" to install in the rig. We had a rainy day while we were in Vermont and decided to undertake this project!
Before |
After |
I really like the look and, since they are not glass nor ceramic tile, there is virtually no extra weight.
Soon we were on our way to southern Vermont for a stay at Greenwood Lodge and Campsites. It is a small family run facility and is really nice!
Fall? In August? |
We went out car-hiking one day and ended up getting ice cream and 1/2 gallon of maple syrup. We were also scouting out places for Syl, Dan and I to hike. All four of us walked a little bit of the Appalachian Trail and saw some of the impromptu campsites. Yes - this got me more intrigued! .
Syl, Dan and I decided on which AT hike (Harmon Hill) we were going to do and set out one morning. It wasn't a long one but the description of the hike was a little un-nerving......"1000 ft ascent in less than 1/4 mile". Yikes! Well, we would take it slow and see how it went!
Up, up, up |
Syl on the boards |
Looking down on Bennington, VT |
Thumbs up! |
Only 557 miles to Katahdin (northern terminus of the AT)! |
and 1563 from Springer Mountain (southern terminus of the AT)! |
Dan in the blackberry bushes (yes this is the trail!) |
This small (in miles!) section of the AT sure did get me thinking. And, where there is a will, there is a way!
Our summer travels had now come to an end. We left Gin and Syl with hugs and "see you in Cedar Key". We were going back to the farm in PA for a bit before we head to NC....
Stay tuned!